Authoritative DNS server: Definition & Types

Within the DNS framework, authoritative DNS server plays a pivotal role in providing accurate and up-to-date information about domain names. In this article, we’ll delve into the definition and types of these servers, shedding light on their significance in ensuring the efficiency and reliability of the internet. So, without any further ado, let’s begin!

Authoritative DNS Server Explained 

An authoritative DNS server is a specialized server responsible for storing and providing the official DNS records for a specific domain. These records include essential information such as IP addresses associated with domain names, mail server details, and other DNS resource records. When a user’s device requests information about a particular domain, the authoritative DNS server is the ultimate source of truth that supplies the required data.

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How to pick the top DNS hosting provider?

Defining what is DNS hosting

DNS Hosting is the process of using a third-party provider to house, manage, and control the Domain Name System (DNS) for a customer’s domain name. This provider is essentially the gatekeeper that makes sure a domain name’s web address directs to the correct web server. As finding the correct IP address to direct the domain name is critical to the success of a website, DNS hosting must be reliable and secure. By using a DNS host, customers can save time and resources while also benefiting from the entity’s expertise in web hosting. Additionally, in order to ensure reliable service, most DNS hosting providers offer technical support, uptime guarantees, and the ability to customize configurations.

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How Does Anycast DNS Operate?

As the Internet grows, so does the demand for faster, more reliable connectivity. Anycast DNS is one of the many technologies used to achieve this goal. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at Anycast DNS and how it operates, and why it’s important for website owners.

What is Anycast DNS?

Anycast DNS is a method of routing internet traffic to a group of DNS servers that share the same IP address. When a user queries a domain name, the Anycast network routes the request to the nearest available DNS server, which responds with the IP address of the requested website. Using it allows the DNS service to distribute the load across multiple servers and provides redundancy and fault tolerance.

Reliable Anycast DNS service with many advantages!

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Load balancing – Why should you use it?

If you’re searching on the web for information on what Load balancing is and why it’s useful, you’ve come to the right spot. So, let’s explore it and get deep into it.

What does Load balancing mean?

Load balancing is an excellent and widely used technique for managing a hostname’s traffic. It allows you to distribute incoming network or application traffic among a number of servers in an efficient and coordinated manner.

If you own and operate a popular website, you may expect a significant amount of daily visitors. Furthermore, it must be able to handle a considerable number of receiving requests from users. In addition, for each request, an answer must be delivered that is correct and contains the specific part of the information, such as text, photo, video, or application data. Finally, the entire procedure must be completed in the shortest and safest manner possible.

How does Load balancing work?

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DNS Monitoring: Do you need it?

What does DNS Monitoring mean?

DNS Monitoring is a critical component of your network monitoring service. Its goal is to ensure the safety and proper connection between users and the website or service they are visiting.

Learn why DNS monitoring is crucial for you!

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5 DNS record types everyone should know

Today we will talk more about the DNS record types. They are fundamental if you want your Domain Name System to work properly. Its primary function is to store critical DNS information.

So, let’s now take a deep look at the first 5 that everyone should know.

A record

Perhaps one of the most popular DNS record types is the A record, also called the address record. Its objective is to associate a domain name with an IP address (IPv4 address). Therefore, the A record must accurately display the correct IP address when a user requests a domain name.

Check out additional types of DNS records!

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DNS outage: What does it mean?

Definition of DNS outage

DNS outage can give anyone who is affected a headache. In addition, sites with issues can lead to a poor user experience and a probable loss of revenue for the company.

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DDoS attack : Details & Protection

The DDoS attack is one of the most dangerous cyber threats. In today’s article, we will dive deep into its primary purpose, how it functions and how you could protect yourself.

What is the purpose of a DDoS attack?

DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service is a cyber-attack type that takes advantage of network resources’ specific capacity restrictions. As a result, it disrupts critical objectives like a network, system, or server. The DDoS attack floods the targeted online site with requests. The goal is to overload the website’s capacity in order to handle more inquiries. As a result, the website will no longer function properly.

DDoS vs. DoS attack explained

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CDN: What is it and how to create it?

CDN has a stronghold on all of us! We are all users, not just business people, and we engage with CDNs every day. Without it, content delivery would not be as efficient as it is now. Each image, video, content, etc., is served via a CDN. If this got you excited and want to learn more, you’re in the right place. So, let’s start.

What does CDN mean?

CDN is the short abbreviation of “Content Delivery Network.” What does it mean? It’s a server network covering a vast geographic area and has specific server locations. The goal is to comprehensively protect the territory from which potential tourists may originate. 

Every server on a network is referred to as a PoP or Point of Presence. This is because they all have data for users of specific locations in their cache memory. It’s a service that you can use in addition to your primary web hosting. 

CDN – Why is it important?

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